Brilliant new cycle path

Martin Mallett with Kings and Queens
Early start when the clocks go forward

It’s been open a matter of days and it’s a dream come true.  Investment in leisure is the mark of a courageous country.  This old railway line had been converted to a voice verte, a green way, with wide smooth finished surface.  It runs for over 30 miles from Chinon on the Loire to south of Richelieu.

Everyone I meet on it was smiling and calling excited greetings to me.  I felt like the first cyclist.  There was no debris among the way.  Trees had been sympathetically trimmed and I sped along a wide valley lined with trees thick with mistletoe.  Even the old station was under going a makeover with seats and refurbishment.  All this for leisure. Well done France!

Martin Mallett with Kings and Queens
Early start when the clocks go forward
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